Some panoramic images rendered in Photoshop CS3

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Greenlawn Cemetery

Skyline Ridge (CA)
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Greenlawn Cemetery

I went to Greenlawn Cemetery today to take some pictures. I love the architecture on old mausoleums. All shot in HDR.

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An amazing artist

"My paintings are large, complex designs that attempt to reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most of us to navigate their uncharted waters. There is a great push and pull, the lure and the repulsion, the fiction and the real, the known and the unknown. And we live in this swirl of delicate gestures, driving desires, fantasy, economic complexity and interdependence, isolation and hope. I am trying to render some notion of this rich fabric."
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I miss my old room :(

I was sorting some images on my computer and found some old shot of how my room use to look back in my college days.

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learning to fly...

...but I aint got wings
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Why I rarely watch TV

What the hell is up with the media lately? First off, how bad do you feel for poor Alec Baldwins daughter? Yeah, we have proof that he is a total asshole, but why the hell is the media in a frenzy about that damn message? On MSNBC the comment was made about all the torment that his daughter is probably getting in school from her friends hearing all this crap on TV. These are supposed to be respectable news stations. Where the hell are the networks morals? Why cant the media just refuse to cover this topic out of respect for that poor girl?

On a similar note, the shooting at the college. MSNBC went on and on about how parents are very upset that the network aired the tape left by the killer. And MSNBC acted like that in itself was "juicy." WTF!!!! These networks are so damn greedy they don't care who they hurt. There getting just as bad as gossip papers.

And second, who the hell cares that Rosie is leaving the View? I don't understand that shows like Cross Fire and all those other dumb ass programs are arguing over weather or not Barbara Walters was behind it. So what if she was, what the hell does any of this info prove. How is this helping us in everyday life? This is all pointless shit that nobody needs to know. If this is the type of crap that you "crave," you need serious help.
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Photoshop Actions

I've been playing with Photoshop actions. Here are a few Polaroid actions applied to some of my old vacation shots.

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Random stuff

Steve Carell cracks me up


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Nike Finds its Edge with anti-Imus Ad

Ad reads:

Thank you, ignorance.

Thank you for starting the conversation.

Thank you for making an entire nation listen to the Rutger’s team story. And for making us wonder what other great stories we’ve missed.

Thank you for reminding us to think before we speak.

Thank you for showing us how strong and poised 18 and 20-year-old women can be.

Thank you for reminding us that another basketball tournament goes on in March.

Thank you for showing us that sport includes more than the time spent on the court.

Thank you for unintentionally moving women’s sport forward.

And thank you for making all of us realize that we still have a long way to go.

Next season starts 11.16.07.

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sorry for not posting..

but I've been working odd hours and I'm exhausted when I get home. I'll do some posting Thursday when I finally have a day off.
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Google Earth amazes me once again

The other day I was locating some places in Google Earth and I noticed a little compass looking thing that when you click on it a picture of that particular point on the map appears. I didn't think much of, figuring that it was pulling data from Wikipedia. Then I clicked on a link that took me to This site is right up my alley. It's kinda like Flickr, but now you get to see the actual places where the people were when they shot the photos.

A few weeks ago I posted images of places I've been and referenced it to Google Earth, well, you can sign up for a free account on this website and your images will be included in future updates of Google Earth. Check out the places I plotted. (be sure to click on the thumbnail as it will show you where I was on the map)

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Happy Easter

Easter Island has been described as one of the loneliest places on Earth. Measuring a mere 16 miles in length, it lies approximately 1200 miles (2,000 km) from its closest neighbor. It is also home to more than 600 enormous stone statues, some of which are 30 feet (9 m) in height.

Discovered by Dutch sailors on Easter Sunday in the year 1722 (hence the name), the Island was home to approximately 3,000 inhabitants at one point. By the late 1800's, the native population had died out as a result of famine and civil war.
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New bedroom

This past Friday I was very bored so I decided to rearrange the bedroom. There were exposed wires from the TV/DVD player/surround-sound that have been bugging me ever since we moved in. I spent a few hours arranging and getting very frustrated. All the other rooms in the house have new furniture except the bedroom. Jer finally had enough of me bitching about it so we went out yesterday and bought a new bedroom collection. We found an awesome one called" Plantation Cove."

I wanted to get the matching entertainment center but it was $2000 and Jer didn't like it, so we came up with a compromise. He let me get the china cabinet I've been wanting instead of the entertainment center. Nothing gets me more excited the new furniture!

We're getting everything in the picture. Plus I think I'm going to repaint the walls to a similar color.

I've been wanting this sucker from z-gallery for the past 4 years.
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Second guessing my photo submission

I found an old Communication Arts Photography Annual from 2004 and I was reading how they do the judging and what their looking for ... I think I blew it with my entries.

In the '04 issue some of the judges comments were:

"It's time for photographers to step back from Photoshop. Just because you can make a perfect image doesn't mean you should. The heavy retouching created a lifeless illustrative quality in many of the entry images. This was found especially disturbing in location work."

"A number of great series were brought down by the inclusion of weaker pieces. I often found myself voting great work out because the entrants did not take the time to really consider what images they should be putting together."

I submitted a series (5 images) and called it "Rejected Memories." The series is judged as a whole, so if there is one weak image the series wont make it in this years issue. I'm second guessing my submission. Four of the images are industrial/run-down places and the tree seems out of place. Out of about 10,000 entries, only 150 will make it into the Aug '07 issue. I'm depressed.
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Louie's Walk

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Laptop has a new brain

I finally got my laptop working again after a hard-drive crash (I take full responsibility for the crash as I was being a dumb ass and pushing the drive way over it's limit). Luckily I had backed everything up a few days earlier so all I really lost was a few Photoshop files and some system settings. If you haven't backed up in a while, don't you think now is as good a time as any?

I use a great little program called ChronoSync for my backups. It synchronizes my files to an external 500GB HD, my G5 and to a 60BG iPod (as I use my iPod as a main backup of my computer). What's really great about ChronoSync is I can make sure the files are actually on the external drive and I'm not relying on an incremental backup like some other utilities.

Here's my old HD. The little needle thing-a-majig got knocked out of whack. My attempts of trying to knock it back into place by slamming it repetitively on the table and manually moving the needle back on to the spinny thing, were unsuccessful. I was contemplating a little WD-40 but the technicians said NO.
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