While browsing some sites I stumbled across this bad boy. When I was a kid my father would go through toy phases. First it was boats, then camping (with the fancy travel trailers), then 4 wheelers (even tho we lived in suburbia), then came motorcycles and hotrods and among all of these were the 2-3 brief years of snowmobiling. My father never bought anything used. We had the top of the line Arctic Cats that were fast as hell. I was young, maybe 7 or 8. I remember travailing for hours just to be in the cold, on these snow rockets. I would usually rid with my father, only I would sit the opposite direction facing backwards so I can tell dad when mom would get stuck in snow drifts. I remember eating at some log cabin style hole-in-the-wall bar in the middle of nowhere when we we're almost frost bitten from riding all day. I got hot chocolate and chicken fingers. I miss that time in my life. I haven't thought about it for years.