Here's what happened this past week:
Finally got an iPhone ( which is amazing , I just have to get out of my family plan from sprint that is going to cost me $600).

Jer and I went to see Transformers lastnight, which is now tied with my all time favorite movies; 300, FightClub. The special effects were unlike anything I've ever seen. Most of Transformers was done in a program called "Shake" (an Apple program), which I have, I just have no clue how to use it, so that might have to be a winter project.

I also got my first pair of Crocs this week. They are so comfortable that I just had to order another pair online. They might look a little silly but I could care less, those suckers are like wearing nothing at all.

And today I got to meet Terry Ridgers and watch him paint at his studio. It takes a lot to impress me and his paintings left me speachless. He's such a down to earth guy, it was defentialy an honor meeting him.