Friday night we ended up parking in an awesome parking deck when we went out to dinner. When we came out of the restaurant, there were no cars in the deck so it was a perfect photo op. The first 3 images are from the deck, shot in HDR. The other car photos were shot at the Columbus Auto Show which I felt was a HUGE disappointment. Only a few concept cars were there and that was my main reason for going. The reset of the images are of around Columbus.
Weekend photos...
Friday night we ended up parking in an awesome parking deck when we went out to dinner. When we came out of the restaurant, there were no cars in the deck so it was a perfect photo op. The first 3 images are from the deck, shot in HDR. The other car photos were shot at the Columbus Auto Show which I felt was a HUGE disappointment. Only a few concept cars were there and that was my main reason for going. The reset of the images are of around Columbus.