If you have enough money for this Boardwalk Photo Booth ($11,000), then you have enough "friends" to get some use out of it. A replica of the classics found in amusement parks, arcades, and boardwalks, this booth can capture and print a four-frame strip of pictures in 16 seconds. The booth uses a thermal printer and comes with two rolls of film that provide up to 3,200 pictures.
Boardwalk Photo Booth
If you have enough money for this Boardwalk Photo Booth ($11,000), then you have enough "friends" to get some use out of it. A replica of the classics found in amusement parks, arcades, and boardwalks, this booth can capture and print a four-frame strip of pictures in 16 seconds. The booth uses a thermal printer and comes with two rolls of film that provide up to 3,200 pictures.